Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Memorise: And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon
Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh
instead thereof; Genesis 2:21
Read: Genesis 2:21-25
When dealing with God, you cannot but learn to be patient.
Many have lost their miracles because they could not endure for an additional
minute, hour, day, month or year and so on. If you have expectations –
particularly great expectations, you will have no choice but to wait as long as
is required. Patience is part of the price you pay in receiving from God.
During the period of waiting, God will check out certain things in your life
and help you learn and add what you lack, make you better prepared, and cause
you to understand Him some more, so that when He releases the blessing, it will
If you check from the beginning, you will see men having to
wait on God to get their desires. If the issue is of paramount importance, they
may be required to wait longer. Adam had to wait on God before he received Eve.
Genesis 2:21-25 says God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. All the while God
prepared Eve for Adam; the latter was asleep, resting in God’s presence. He was
in a state where he was not doing anything by his strength but wholly leaned on
God’s power, wisdom, ability and timing. He waited until Eve came.
Unfortunately, many singles today are too much in a hurry. They want God to
give them a spouse yet, they pray for five minutes and in the sixth minute,
they expect their life partner to surface. It does not work like that! If you
want a good wife or husband from God, you must give Him some time to prepare
him or her. Although the spouses of some brethren are ready and available, they
themselves are however not prepared. If God releases their heart desire to them
in their unprepared state, there would be serious problems in homes started by
such couples. To hasten the preparations of your Eve or Adam, pray, wait on the
Lord and study His Word. Obey God in every area and make Him happy with you.
Also, start to get ready for marriage. Read books on family life, work on your
attitude and character and learn to be more tolerant and accommodating.
The extent to which you are ready to wait will determine the
size of the blessing God will be prepared to release to you. How long can you
Bible in one year: Ezra 5-7
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