Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Memorise: The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him:
but the desire of the righteous shall be granted. Proverbs 10:24
Read: Acts 3:2-8
Whenever hopelessness is brought to the God of hope, it has
no choice but to change form. Do you know that your dry bones shall live again?
That ground that has refused to produce will surely produce. Has your womb been
without a baby for so long? It is because it is selective of the child it wants
to carry. After Sarah’s 25 years of barrenness, the same womb that refused to
conceive seed, conceived a covenant child – Isaac. Are you physically barren?
Shortly, you shall carry your baby. Have you been barren for so long? Your
Isaac is on the way. Has your business been unable to attract contracts or to
give you profit? The Lord will make you fruitful. That dry business will begin
to give you good yields from today. Expectation can produce miracles.
Expectation can remove barrenness as in the case of Abraham and Sarah. If your
expectation or hope has dwindled, grow it by feeding regularly on God’s Word,
testimonies of others, and recalling God’s past interventions in your life.
This is very crucial because if you are not expectant, the fruit may never
Expectation can destroy stagnancy as can be seen in the lame
man at the Beautiful gate. Being lame in feet, his life followed an unpleasant
routine. Every morning he was dropped at that spot where he begged from adults
and children, friends and foes. In the evening he was carried home. Nothing
changed. He was at one bus stop of life. In fact, the bus stop has turned into
his final destination. He was getting used to his negative state. But when he
encountered Peter and John, they asked him to look at them. As he did, he
became expectant to receive something. He most probably expected alms but he
got more than he bargained for through expectation. Are you on the same spot?
Has a bus stop in life turned to your final destination? Look on the Lord Jesus
Christ today and expect His touch. As you do, He will turn around your
situation and rewrite your history for good.
Expectation is a fire starter. It propels action from God.
Never go into His presence without it.
Bible in one year: Proverbs 15:18
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