Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Memorise: My
soul fainteth for thy salvation: but l hope in thy word. Psalms 119:81
Psalms 119:73-80
At the
peak of the famine in Samaria described in 2 Kings 6:25-30, the elders and the
king sought help from the Lord by going to the house of Elisha. Immediately,
Elisha spoke a prophetic word that there will be a shift from their existing
extreme hardship to extreme abundance and it was so. In the name that is above
every other name, I decree that God is moving you from your current unpleasant
situation to a positive extreme state within the next 48 hours! From 2 Kings
7:1-2, we learn that God is aware of the situation of famine that His children
go through. Jesus confirms this in Matthew 6:8:
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your
Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
God knows
your situation and he knows your needs ever before they are voiced. If God is
not responsible for a famine, then you can trace the cause, take necessary
corrective measures and ask Him to remove it. But if He called for it, He has a
reason for doing so. In such a situation, prayerfully seek His face to
determine the purpose of the famine and what you are expected to do next.
We also
learn from the same scripture (2 Kings 7:1-2) that the prophetic word from a
truly anointed servant of God can be used of God to do the impossible. All
Elisha did was to make a pronouncement according to the Word of God and a
paralyzed economy was revived in 24 hours! The word of God gives you hope. If
you give God’s Word its rightful place in your heart, you can never be
hopeless. Words of men cannot do you much good in a time of famine or
hopelessness. In fact, listening to some people at such a time may compound the
situation. The Word of God has something for the hopeless. It will rescue you
from the doldrums of despondency and hopelessness. No wonder that, in spite of
all that the Psalmist passed through, he kept hoping in God’s Word (Psalm 119:74,
81). If you want to receive courage, guidance and hope from God, read the Bible
daily, spend time to study it, listen to it often, meditate on it and do it.
Pray that
God will make a way for nations going through famine and war to restore
abundance and peace to them.
in one year: Isaiah 10-12
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