Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Memorise: Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break
forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child; for
more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife,
saith the LORD. Isaiah 54:1
Read: Isaiah 54:1-4
When God reigns, He reigns alone. He never shares His throne
with sickness, Satan or demons. God is light and it is not possible for
darkness to rule where the Light is reigning, hence John 1:5 says:
And the light shineth
in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
All his life, Bartimaeus was in darkness as a blind man, but
the day he came across our God, his darkness gave way to light (Mark 10:46-52).
Are you in a state of darkness? Is darkness thriving in your situation as a
child of God? In the name of Jesus l command that darkness to give way to the
full glow of the light of Jesus in your situation.
Likewise, it is not possible for God to reign and sorrow
rule over your life simultaneously because Psalms 61:11 says your joy is full
in His presence. In Luke 7:11-15, a widow lost her son and was full of sorrow
and grief, but when she contacted our God, her sorrow turned into her greatest
joy. What is that sorrow that is challenging the fullness of your joy today? In
the name of Jesus, sorrow, pack your load and go now! In addition, our God
cannot reign with failure at the same time because He is the Almighty (Psalms
91:11). After Peter failed all night long, our God entered his boat and failure
was terminated permanently. Have you been battling with failure at school or work?
An end has come to failure in your life today! Also Our God and barrenness
cannot reign together since Our God can raise children from stones. A 50 year
old sister who had never been pregnant before, missed her period and after
examination by the doctors, she was told she had attained menopause. Nine
months later, menopause became “meno-play” and she delivered a baby. At age 90,
when God told Sarah her menopause will become “meno-play” she laughed but her
laughter did not stop, because she kept laughing after the baby came (Genesis
18:9-15). Are you trusting God for a baby but the doctors have said menopause
has set in? Do not worry, it is only a pause and if you press that button, it
will begin to play again. The Lord is pressing the button and that pause is
released into play today. Nine months from today you shall embrace your baby!
Every good development in my life currently experiencing a
pause, Father, press the “play” button today.
This post is one of the best piece of knowledge we cannot deny this ever. These words are the God's word.